Polish (PLN)
Starter Black Label

Ladies Starter Satin College Jacket black L

Kod: i597_241499_241500
Cena na dziś
358.10 PLN
501.3 PLN -29%
5-8 pracovních dní
W celu zapewnienia jak najszerszej gamy produktów wysokiej jakości w konkurencyjnych cenach, utrzymujemy nasze produkty w magazynie u dostawców w Niemczech. Z tego powodu czas dostawy wynosi od 5 do 8 dni roboczych.
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Więcej informacji o produkcie

What a fashionable presence: this women's jacket by Starter combines casual, wide urban fashion with a college look. It falls extra wide with strongly dropped shoulders and generous sleeves and is held in shape by wide cuffs on sleeves and hem. The college jacket features two side pockets and an S-embroidery application on the left chest, which continues as a Starter lettering on the back. A small weave label on the hem rounds off the branding. Naturally, the college jacket also offers a snap button placket. Perfectly matching the style is the shimmering, light satin material.

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