Polish (PLN)
UC Ladies

Ladies Oversized Overshirt midnightnavy/red M

Kod: i597_106769_106770
Cena na dziś
207.06 PLN
287.98 PLN -28%
5-8 pracovních dní
W celu zapewnienia jak najszerszej gamy produktów wysokiej jakości w konkurencyjnych cenach, utrzymujemy nasze produkty w magazynie u dostawców w Niemczech. Z tego powodu czas dostawy wynosi od 5 do 8 dni roboczych.
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Więcej informacji o produkcie
Finally, some pants for the real urban fashion specialist! These trousers put you beyond doubt on the forefront of modern fashion and draws the attention with an irresistibly look. Taking a closer look on the style of this tactical city trousers, you find a daring combination of cargo pants and sweatpants, which is enhanced by inner loops for extra pep. Make use of the wide pockets to accommodate all you need for any trip throughout the city. Tonal drawstring closure and high, tight cuffs make for a particularly casual appearance.
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